Work Permit


Work permits in Serbia can be issued as:

  1. personal work permit, or
  2. employment-related work permit.

But, only one type of work permit can be issued for the same period of time.

A personal work permit is a work permit that enables a foreigner in Serbia to freely employ, self-employ and exercise their rights in case of unemployment.

A personal work permit is issued at the request of a foreigner with:

  1. a permanent residence permit;
  2. refugee status;
  3. status of a special category of foreigner.

This type of work permit issued as:

  1. work permit for employment;
  2. work permit for special employment cases;
  3. work permit for self-employment.

A foreigner with a work permit may only perform work in Serbia for which he has obtained a permit. For more info on this topic you can click here or visit statt website.

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